MSC Industrial Supplies

Industrial equipment company, distributing more than 1.5 million metalworking and other industrial products.


MSC is one of the largest industrial equipment distributors in the United States, distributing more than 1.5 million metalworking and other industrial products.


In collaboration with other designers, we concluded that the old interface had three major problems:

  • Too much information filled the screen with text

  • The page is not responsive and needs a mobile version

  • The user’s goal is not clearly defined


We simplified the account section and move it to the top right of the screen. We only wanted to display important information. We changed the radio buttons into toggle buttons because it would translate into a smoother mobile experience. We moved the extra categories down to the bottom to allow the user more real estate to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

For the overall design direction, we removed the black borders and rounded the edges to create a sleek and modern feel. Breadcrumbs and navigation texts were sized down and icons were updated with a modern design. Less is more was the philosophy behind our designs.

Manage Categories



The PO control is where the user can manage their product orders. Instead of flooding the page with text, we added a read more navigation tool and ellipses that would open a pop-up with more information. In order to understand how the UI changes based on the number of orders, we created a variety of use cases to test.

PO Control



We used the PO control and the cost allocation page as a template for the other pages. We simply switched old icons with new icons from our design closet and matched the UI branding to the new branding. We simplified the look by changing the security icon to a checkmark.

Order Approval Management



We simplified the account section and move it to the top right of the screen. We only wanted to display important information. We changed the radio buttons into toggle buttons because it would translate into a smoother mobile experience. We moved the extra categories down to the bottom to allow the user more real estate to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

For the overall design direction, we removed the black borders and rounded the edges to create a sleek and modern feel. Breadcrumbs and navigation texts were sized down and icons were updated with a modern design. Less is more was the philosophy behind our designs.

Manage Carts



Customer Part Numbers

We used the PO control and the cost allocation page as a template for the other pages. We simply switched old icons with new icons from our design closet and matched the UI branding to the new branding. We simplified the look by changing the security icon to a checkmark.




